Blog Post

Landlord Tenant – The CASp Report

admin • January 22, 2018

First, some bad news for landlords and their property managers.  A CASp report[1] is now required by law for commercial properties when a lease is negotiated.  The good news: when you have a CASp report, you have the power to correct accessibility problems and to better defend ADA lawsuits. If you are facing a lawsuit for ADA violations, contact the experienced Landlord Tenant Attorneys at Palomar Law Group. Call (760) 747-2202 for a free consultation.

CASp Report Basics

Here are the basic topics the CASp report should cover:

  • A description of the facility. This should include characteristics such as on-site parking and the type of occupancy.
  • Descriptions of all access barriers (by priority under the ADA).
  • Photos of the barriers.
  • A plan for removal of barriers, based on the scope of work and your budget.

Taking Action

The CASp report is your roadmap to ADA compliance. The correction process may take a few days, or it may take months. Here’s how to use the road map:

  • Review and highlight all access barriers and violations. Correction of these problems within a reasonable time is required by law.
  • Review and highlight the suggested corrective action. The CASp report should provide options for correction of all ADA problems.
  • Obtain bids for the corrective work. Seek out contractors with experience in ADA compliance.
  • Prepare a plan and budget. You can create a plan to address the ADA problems gradually, as the cost is spread out over months or longer.
  • Do It. Start the corrective work as soon as possible. Diligence is very important in case a lawsuit is filed before all the work is complete.

The Good News.   A CASp report can help you defend ADA lawsuits, ensure compliance with accessibility requirements, and give you reasonable time to make corrections. The report will allow you to decide how and when to address your ADA problems.

Randy Ortlieb is the founder of the Palomar Law Group, whose practice emphasizes service to families and small businesses. For questions relating to this article or for assistance with a real property matter, or landlord tenant issue, please contact Mr. Ortlieb at Palomar Law Group.

[1] A CASp report is prepared by a licensed CASp. Here is a list of CASp service providers.

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