As Business Litigation Lawyers at Palomar Law Group, we are well-prepared to protect your rights by efficiently resolving business disputes through negotiation or litigation techniques.
With over 40 years of combined legal experience, we are guided by the principal that when we protect your business, we are also protecting your family. Our Business Litigation Lawyers understand the serious challenges you are facing if you are heading toward litigation. Our highly knowledgeable Attorneys are here to help you at every step along the way.
Contact Palomar Law Group at (760) 747-2202 to discuss your situation during a complimentary consultation. Our experienced Business Litigation Attorney can evaluate your legal goals and help you understand the realities of litigation. Our goal is to find the best route to a solution which takes the least emotional and financial toll on you and your family.
Regardless of the way litigation is portrayed in movies and on television, legal problems involving litigation are never simple or easy. As skilled Business Litigation Lawyers, we believe part of our job is to prevent these disputes from taking on a life of their own. We also help our clients persuasively advocate their position.
In court, you face risk in litigation. The high cost of legal services and the long delays inherent in the court system require you to make every effort to settle your dispute quickly.
We acknowledge the reality that very few small businesses can afford prolonged litigation. So, we discourage litigation and encourage settlement whenever possible. If litigation does occur, we work very hard for an early and reasonable settlement that will restore the client’s control over their budget, and give them the peace of mind that comes with resolution.
Our Business Litigation Lawyers approach each dispute as a puzzle. When a dispute erupts, we work closely with you to gather the pieces, place them together logically, and then solve the puzzle of the dispute. When the puzzle is solved, our team can leverage this knowledge and drive the other side towards settlement. This approach has served our clients well.
Our Business Litigation Lawyers serve clients throughout California, primarily in North San Diego County. We take pride in finding unique solutions for our clients’ legal issues. Call Palomar Law Group at (760) 747-2202 to arrange for a private consultation. We offer this initial meeting at no charge.
You may also reach us online by completing our Business Litigation Case Evaluation Form. We will contact you soon for additional information.
225 E. 3rd Avenue
Escondido, CA 92025
Palomar Law Group
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